Chicago Metropolis

Chicago Metropolis Website

His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago

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  • Apodosis of the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary August 23, 2024
    Concerning the Dormition of the Theotokos, this is what the Church has received from ancient times from the tradition of the Fathers. When the time drew nigh that our Savior was well-pleased to take His Mother to Himself, He declared unto her through an Angel that three days hence, He would translate her from this […]
  • Translation of the Image of Our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ August 16, 2024
    When the fame of our Lord Jesus Christ came to Abgar, the ruler of Edessa, who was suffering from leprosy, Abgar sent a messenger named Ananias, through him asking the Savior to heal him of his disease, while bidding Ananias bring back a depiction of Him. When Ananias came to Jerusalem, and was unable to […]
  • The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary August 15, 2024
    Concerning the Dormition of the Theotokos, this is what the Church has received from ancient times from the tradition of the Fathers. When the time drew nigh that our Savior was well-pleased to take His Mother to Himself, He declared unto her through an Angel that three days hence, He would translate her from this […]
  • Maximos the Confessor August 13, 2024
    The divine Maximos, who was from Constantinople, sprang from an illustrious family. He was a lover of wisdom and an eminent theologian. At first, he was the chief private secretary of the Emperor Heraclius and his grandson Constans. But when the Monothelite heresy became predominant in the royal court, out of hatred for this error […]
  • Commemoration of St. Spyridon's Miracle in Corfu against the Turkish invasion of 1716 August 11, 2024
    In Orthodox Christian countries, individuals traditionally celebrate their nameday instead of their birthday. Since Orthodox Christians are usually named after a saint or feast day of the Church, all those having the same name celebrate together on that saint's feast or the particular feast of the Church.All those named after Commemoration of St. Spyridon's Miracle […]
RSS Assembly of Bishops News RSS
  • AoB Executive Committee Prays for Peace in the World June 4, 2024
    The Executive Committee lamented the violence and divisions that have affected Ukraine and Gaza. As peacemakers, intercessors for healing and reconciliation, they encourage the whole of humanity to metanoia, to repentance and spiritual conversion, returning to the ways of forgiveness, compassion, peace, and love as taught by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • Assembly of Bishops Hires Director of Inter-Parish Associations March 1, 2024
    Spyridoula is grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve Christ and His Church. It is her hope that all the ministries of the Assembly, especially the Inter-Parish Associations, will catalyze parishes and faithful to strengthen and to grow their witness of Christ’s love in the world.
  • ANNOUNCEMENT: The North American Orthodox-Catholic Consultation Addresses Commonalities in their Respective Traditions on the Sacredness of Christian Marriage February 29, 2024
    Christians from the Orthodox and Catholic Churches in the United States and Canada have engaged in dialogue for more than a half-century. Most recently, the representatives from the two faith traditions, announced the publication of new agreed statement on marriage, The Pastoral Care of Mixed Marriages: Neither Yours nor Mine – but Ours.
  • The Pastoral Care of Mixed Marriages: Neither Yours nor Mine—but Ours February 29, 2024
    While commonalities exist between the two faith traditions, the Theological Consultation acknowledged that estrangement can often be seen when a Catholic and an Orthodox Christian enter into marriage. Instead of dividing the parties in a mixed marriage into “yours” and “mine,” the Consultation proposed that the parties begin with a joint solicitude for the spouses […]
  • Mission Sunday 2024 February 26, 2024

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